A summary report of the research project on financing of social services as experienced by members of Eurodiaconia is now published and available for download. The research project was a response to recent economic and social policy decisions, which meant that many Eurodiaconia members have experienced challenges in financing essential social services. Eurodiaconia identified a greater demand for finding alternative sources of financing and wishes to support members as much as possible in this area.
This report includes an overview of the sources of finance used by Eurodiaconia members that responded to the research, the main challenges they experienced regarding financing, followed by recommendations for policy makers. Furthermore, case studies were conducted of good practice examples from among Eurodiaconia members, and four examples relating to the use of public funds can befound in this document in the form of interviews. These case studies, along with four other case studies addressing merchandising, corporate partnerships, working with foundations and individual donors, have been integrated into Eurodiaconia’s fundraising toolkit, which can be accessed here.
The report is available here.