Eurodiaconia, AGE Platform Europe and EuroHealthNet co-organised a half day conference on the 18th November 2014 hosted by the Committee of the Regions entitled “Supporting quality integrated care: Policy and practice at local, regional and national levels”. Experts from European institutions, service users and service providers spoke of the challenges in ensuring integrated and coordinated care services, the impact this has and how challenges can be overcome.

The report is now online and can be downloaded here.

Please find below the presentations of various speakers:

Judy Triantafillou, What does integrated care mean for individuals? 50+Hellas

NHS Scotland, NHS 24, integration for falls prevention, Marlene Harkis

The MAIA action-oriented method for the integration of long-term care services, La Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l’autonomie, France, Dr Olivier Dupont

Dr Viktoria Stein, Health Services Delivery Programme of the Division of Health Systems and Public Health, WHO Regional Office

Jorge Pinto Antunes, European Commission, DG Health and Consumers, Innovation for Health and Consumers


Further information:

Eurodiaconia’s analysis of the Joint Report On Adequate Social Protection For Long-Term Care Needs