Child poverty has for long been a severe issue in the European Union, and since the financial crisis, the numbers are still on the rise. According to Eurostat data, nowadays one in four children in the European Union are at risk of poverty and social exclusion, which amounts up to 26 million children in total.
Eurodiaconia members as diaconal service providers play an important part in tackling child poverty by supporting child well-being on the national, regional and local level, among others through the operation of kindergartens, schools and care facilities for children with special needs. This concept note looks at the work of Eurodiaconia and its members on the topic of child well-being, examining the added value of the diaconal approach in the fight against child poverty and discussing potential future cooperation on child well-being in a EU context.
The concept note can be accessed here.
For more information, contact Lea Schumacher under