General homelessness flyer with ED logo-page-001 (1)The Written Declaration on an EU Homelessness strategy which was launched by the European Parliament on 27 April is an important tool to remind the European Institutions of the increasing number of homeless people in Europe and the urgent need to address this issue on a European level.

Therefore, Eurodiaconia supports FEANTSA, the European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless, in its efforts to promote the declaration and ensure its approval. Only if at least 377 members of parliament sign the declaration by the 27th of July, it will be forwarded to the European Commission and the Council.

And that is where Eurodiaconia member’s engagement is asked for: In order to collect the necessary amount of signatures, Eurodiaconia members can contact their local MEPs to ask them to sign the Written Declaration. To find out who your MEP is, please click here.

For more information on how you can support the written declaration, please contact Lea Schumacher under