lamp-432249_960_720FEAD Network, a new open membership community for people providing assistance to the most deprived in Europe, calls for good practice project examples funded under the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD). It searches for NGOs, institutions and social service providers involved in FEAD projects to share their achievements, ways of delivery and support for the target group. The projects will be collected in a fully-designed brochure and published on the FEAD Network page as well as the Commission website.

Specifically projects are looked for which:

  • improve the efficiency or quality of assistance delivery
  • improve the targeting or outreach of hard-to-reach groups
  • implement accompanying measures
  • create good synergies and cooperation with other EU-funded programmes
  • demonstrate innovative ways of working.

In case you are involved in a FEAD project and want it to be showcased within the FEAD network, please contact or for more information.