One of Eurodiaconia’s focus areas is healthy ageing and long-term care. Many Eurodiaconia members provide residential, community and home care to older people, and some experience staff shortages for this work. Staff shortages in some countries is one of the drivers for an increasing number of care and nursing staff crossing borders within the EU to work. Numerous members of Eurodiaconia are hiring care staff that were not trained or educated in the country in which they are operating. This can be challenging, in that the education or training of such staff varies from country to country and it is not clear before they arrive what skills or knowledge the staff will bring with them.
The present study aims to improve Eurodiaconia members’ of the main contents addressed and skills obtained in education and training qualifications of healthcare, nursing and care assistants in different European countries. This input should help members to prepare better the reception and further training of staff not trained or educated in the country in which they are employed.
The study also aims to raise awareness on the need to increase the comparability of qualifications and training among care professionals across Europe, especially in light of its strategic dimension as the demand for care raises.
This research has benefited from funding by Ecclesia Versicherungdienst GmbH through Diakonie Germany.
Find the report here (EN).