The SDG Watch Coalition, of which Eurodiaconia is a member, is an alliance of social and environmental NGOs monitoring the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. With its broad thematic expertise and network of contacts, SDG Watch is actively involved in the reflection process on making Europe more inclusive and sustainable through effective implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.
In this context, SDG Watch is now promoting a so-called ‘Sixth Scenario’ for the future of Europe, which complements the original 5 scenarios outlined in the European Commission’s White Paper on the Future of Europe. Given the worrying rise nationalism and the increasing uncertainty around the EU’s future, the Commission published the White Paper in March 2017 in order to guide the discussion of Member States and other stakeholders on the way to proceed. Which reforms does the EU need to undergo in order to reconnect to the needs and expectations of citizens and to meaningfully complement the activities of national governments?
SDG Watch welcomes the initiative, but finds neither of the 5 proposed scenarios fully satisfying. The 6th scenario represents an attempt at putting respect for human rights and the environment at the core of EU and national policy-making, and has gathered more than 100 signatories from Brussels-based organisations so far. Signatories from national actors are very important in order to give more political weight to the initiative – therefore, Eurodiaconia warmly encourages its members to co-sign the initiative.
To learn more about a more sustainable Europe, please check the Sustainable Development Goals.
In order to support the 6th scenario, please signed the online petition.