The aims of the call are the following objectives:
- address target audiences in the EU susceptible and vulnerable to radicalising and terrorist content online, those on the brink of radicalisation as well as those who have already been radicalised (target audiences’ perceived or real grievances should be addressed);
- provide the target audience with credible alternatives and positive narratives or expose and challenge terrorist and extremist online propaganda;
- address push and pull factors of terrorist and extremist content online;
- actively contribute to promoting tolerance and EU/democratic fundamental rights and values.
The projects, implementing effective alternative and counter-narrative campaigns online, should contribute to a halting radicalisation and recruitment processes, dissuading target audience from promoting terrorism or violent extremis, and enhancing (digital) resilience and critical thinking of the target audience against terrorist and extremist propaganda on-and offline.
Example of projects included in the call include examples such as online communication campaign(s) developing an alternative or counter narrative for a well-defined target audience that is vulnerable to radicalisation, or evaluations of the reach and impact of the campaign and good practices for future similar campaigns.
The deadline for submitting applications is 11th January 2018.
You can learn more about the call on the website or through the Guide for applicants.