Late this week, Eurodiaconia launched its new policy paper titled “Building up skills for social inclusion.” The publication was presented in October at the Eurodiaconia’s European Parliament breakfast debate on Skills for Social Inclusion, and it is aimed at stressing how a wider approach to skills is essential in order to create smarter, more resilient societies where individuals are better equipped to achieve the overarching goal of their social, psychological and personal fulfilment. To do so, higher investment in skills is needed as is specific attention towards groups of people for whom the lack or inadequacy of skills means higher risks of social exclusion.
Eurodiaconia members are providers of training services and skilling interventions which often target people with lower employability or requiring specific support to reach work and social inclusion; e.g. long-term unemployed persons, young people, migrants, persons with disabilities, persons with mental health issues or recovering from an addiction. In these cases, skills are a bridge towards inclusive jobs, either in mainstream labour markets or supported employment.
Whilst employment constitutes a primary space to enable such potential to be fulfilled, the scope of skills goes well beyond employment, as do people’s capabilities. In this regard, Eurodiaconia members also provide and stress the importance of non-formal, informal and life or soft skills.
To learn more on Eurodiaconia’s position and recommendations to Building up skills for social inclusion, please read our policy paper.