Eurodiaconia, along with other NGOs who make up the EU Alliance for Investing in Children, co-signed a statement to end child poverty through investing in children in EU post 2020 financial framework.
The statement is entitled, ‘The Post-2020 MFF Must Invest In Children And Aim To End Child Poverty’. More than 20 organisations within the EU Alliance for Investing in Children urge the EU institutions and its Member States to invest in children and develop a future MFF that works to end child poverty and promotes the social inclusion of all children in Europe.
The future of Europe depends on investing in children, in particular in children and families in vulnerable situations. The EU and its Member States need to act urgently to protect around 25 million children estimated to be living in or at risk of poverty or social exclusion.
The EU Alliance for Investing in Children fully supports these commitments and is proposing the following recommendations to ensure that the next MFF invests in children:
- Ending child poverty and social exclusion in Europe should be a clear and visible priority in the next MFF
- The next MFF should be underpinned by a strategy to implement the 2030 Agenda, the European Pillar of Social Rights and the Recommendation on Investing in children: breaking the cycle of disadvantage:(5)
- The size of the next MFF should be adequate to fight child poverty in Europe:
- The next MFF should promote a life cycle approach to social investment and social protection:
- The EU funds aiming at poverty reduction and social inclusion under the next MFF should be linked to national poverty reduction strategies and action plans:
- The simplification of the rules of the future MFF should aim to further promote the engagement of stakeholders, including CSOs, and increase funds absorption:
You can read more on the recommendations from the EU Alliance for Investing in Children in the full statement.