Following the release of the Social Fairness Package last week, the European Commission has published two new studies exploring how to promote access to social protection for all forms of employment.
In particular, the “Behavioral study on the effects of an extension of access to social protection for people in all forms of employment” provides evidence that supports the European Commission initiative aiming at providing adequate social protection for all, regardless of the type of employment contract.
Access to adequate social protection is key to ensure that employment, in particular under new forms of work, translates into quality, sustainable work patterns that enable full social inclusion. In this regard, Eurodiaconia members provide work inclusion services aimed at facilitating such a transition into quality jobs. At the same time, their services often repair the effects of substandard employment and increasing in-work poverty.
To learn more about the first pubblication – “Behavioral study on the effects of an extension of access to social protection for people in all form of employment” – read the complete document.
To know more about the second study – “Access to social protection for all forms of employment – Assessing the options for a possible EU initiatives” – read the full publication.
To learn more on the Social Fairness Package, visit the related website.