Recently, two new calls for project proposals on Roma integration were published under the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) programme.
The first call, titled “Call for proposals to support national or transnational projects on non-discrimination and Roma integration”, has been opened for applications since 17 May 2018. The call will aim to co-fund national or transnational projects tackling at least one of the following grounds of discrimination:
- anti-gypsyism and various forms of discrimination of Roma, including spatial and schooling segregation, discrimination in (access to) employment and housing, forced evictions
- discrimination based on race and/or ethnic origin (excluding hate speech)
- discrimination based on sexual orientation in society, promoting the rights of LGBTI people.
The available budget for this call for proposals is € 3.600.000 and the deadline is set for the 9 October 2018. Applications must be submitted on the REC webpage.
The second call is titled “Restricted call for proposals to support National Roma platforms” and is aimed at supporting the setting up or reinforcing of national consultation processes in the Member States, through National Roma Platforms convened and managed by National Roma Contact Points (NRCPs). The National Roma Platforms are expected to encourage and facilitate dialogue and exchanges, promote mutual learning, cooperation and involvement in implementation and monitoring, reporting and policy review between all national stakeholders. The call is will be open for applications on REC portal from 12 June to 8 November 2018. The available budget is € 1.000.000.
To know more about the Rights, Equality & Citizenship Programme, visit REC website.
To learn more about any of the calls for proposals or of the application procedure, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Policy, Projects and Research Officer, Florian Tuder at or our Projects Assistant Dario Pomodoro at
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