Our partners from European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) has compiled this non-exhaustive list of measures related to asylum and migration introduced in response to the COVID-19 health crisis in Europe.
The list includes measures introduced by governments and is based on open-source information. ECRE has used its AIDA database and the ELENA network, including information provided by ELENA network members, as well as information compiled by PICUM. ECRE has also benefited from and included the extensive information compiled by JRS Europe.
The info sheet is devided in six sections focusing on Access to asylum, Access to healthcare/public services, Reception conditions and integration, Dublin transfers, Detention, and Broader political measures.
The document includes also links to other valuable resources such as the Global Database on COVID-19 Measures, Compilation of NGO Statements (PICUM), Compilation of NGO, EU, UN Statements (ECRE), Legal developments and an Interactive Map (still under development).
To consult the info sheet in detail, please visit ECRE’s website.