On June 8, the Council adopted by written procedure three sets of conclusions in the area of employment and social affairs.

The conclusions on enhancing well-being at work acknowledge that well-being at work can lead to higher productivity and participation in the labour market and reduced public health expenditure. The conclusions call for the well-being perspective to be included in relevant policies at European and national level.

The Council also adopted conclusions on reskilling and upskilling as a basis for increasing sustainability and employability, in the context of supporting economic recovery and social cohesion. The conclusions highlight the importance of promoting better use of EU financial instruments, namely the European Social Fund, Erasmus+ and InvestEU.

The conclusions on “Demographic challenges – the way ahead”, take into account the current negative demographic trends in the EU, but also the additional demographic challenges that might surface in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Council invites member states to involve the social partners, civil society and other relevant parties when developing and updating demographic policies.

Putting people’s well-being at the center of all politics and decision-making is crucial, something Eurodiaconia together with its Finnish members the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland and the Deaconess Foundation emphasised in a joint statement issued on November 5th 2019. The statement was released on the day of our joint event in Helsinki on the concept of the “Economy of WellbeingWhat role and added value bring faith-based actors?


To read the full text of the European Council’s conclusions on enhancing well-being at work, reskilling and upskilling, and demographic challenges, please visit their website.

Find out more about our position on the “Economy of Wellbeing” in our statement.