Vintage compass on a yellow background

On Tuesday 13th October from 2pm – 3pm, Eurodiaconia will hold a webinar explaining the new developments on the European Semester and the Recovery and Resilience Funds.

Two weeks ago, the European Commission published the Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy which marked the beginning of the 2021 European Semester cycle. As well as being two months earlier than normal, it is clear that the whole Semester cycle as we know it will be completely altered.

The Semester is now intrinsically tied to the Recovery and Resilience Facility and member states will need to incorporate the recommendations of the Semester into their plans in order to access recovery funding. Member states are required, when drawing up their recovery plans, to consult civil society in their countries. It is vital that Eurodiaconia members across the EU are now contacting the relevant ministries in their countries to make sure that their knowledge is properly incorporated into the recovery plans which will guide the policy actions of member states for the years to come. This webinar will explain the developments at European level and also outline how members can engage with their national governments in order to influence the priorities that will dictate the actions of their countries as they respond to the COVID-19 crisis.


To register, please click here.

The agenda for the event will be published in due course.


For more information, please contact our Policy Officer Laura Rayner at