The European Commission launched a first-stage consultation on the working conditions for platforms workers.
The consultation started on February 24th and will be open for at least six weeks. Its purpose is to gather social partners’ inputs regarding the EU future action to improve the working conditions for platform workers.
As announced in the Commission Work Programme 2021, a legislative initiative on improving the working conditions of platform workers should be released by the end of the year as part of the measures of the Action Plan for the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights. This initiative would come just in time, as the constant growth of the platform economy has been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, with around 11% of the EU workforce that has already provided services through a platform.
Platform work can create new opportunities for people that have difficulties accessing the traditional labour market and for those who look for more flexibility. But while it is a popular phenomenon, it is also problematic as its lack of transparency and predictability on working conditions, and insufficient (or non-existent) social protection has led to new forms of work precariousness. The coronavirus crisis made the vulnerable situation of many platform workers more evident, revealing their exposure to health and safety risks and their limited access to social protection and benefits.
Thus, the need for an EU legal binding initiative to improve the working conditions of people working through platforms is compelling. This is an important challenge, considering both the diversity of the sector and the cross-border nature of digital platforms. But, while action to improve the labour conditions for platform workers is crucial, Eurodiaconia advocates for wider-ranging, comprehensive measures with this objective for all non-standard workers to be included in the Social Pillar action plan. Indeed, they all need a clearer status, better working conditions, social protection, and collective bargaining.
To know more about Eurodiaconia’s work regarding employment, you can visit our thematic webpage.
For more information about this topic, please visit the European Commission’s website.