The European Commission launched a call for proposal under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) titled “Prevention of irregular migration through awareness raising and information campaigns on the risks of irregular migration in selected third countries and within Europe (AMIF-2022-TF1-AG-INFO)”. The EU support to five and up to 15 projects of information and awareness raising campaigns in the area of migration in third countries of origin and transit along the main migratory routes towards the EU, in particular, the Eastern, Central and Western Mediterranean routes, the Western Balkans route and the Silk route. These projects should focus on preventing irregular migration and the risks of migrant smuggling in particular, while the campaigns in third countries may be complemented by components in Europe that focus on engaging the target audiences’ network connections. The general objective of the call is to contribute to the change of perceptions and behaviour of third country nationals pondering to irregularly migrate to the EU and of key influencers of their decisions (e.g. families, religious or community leaders, teachers, returning migrants, providers of services facilitating migration). The specific objectives are:
- to provide trusted, factual, balanced information on the risks of irregular migration – during the journey (dangers of migrating irregularly) and after arrival (hardship of living in the EU irregularly and return), as well as on relevant legal alternatives of migration and on available economic opportunities in the country or region of origin;
- to empower credible voices in countering migrant smugglers’ and diasporas’ narratives on irregular migration and narratives on living irregularly in the EU;
- to strengthen multi-stakeholder cooperation between actors, such as civil society organisations, researchers, media outlets, local state actors, diaspora and where relevant other stakeholders;
- to enhance the sustainability of communication activities and results of the campaign.
The deadline for applications is the 5th of July 2022.
For more information, please visit the Commission’s website.
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