The European Commission launched a new call for proposals under the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) titled “Call for proposals to promote equality and to fight against racism, xenophobia and discrimination (CERV-2023-EQUAL)”. The objective of the call is to support a comprehensive and intersectional approach, funding specific actions to prevent and fight against discrimination and combat intolerance, racism and xenophobia, in particular on grounds of racial or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, including when this manifests itself in the form of antigypsyism, anti-black racism, antisemitism, anti-Muslim hatred, and LGBTIQ phobia. Projects can be national or transnational. Transnational projects are particularly encouraged. With this aim, the following priorities will be financed:
- Fighting against discrimination and combating racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance, including antigypsyism, anti-black racism, antisemitism and anti-Muslim hatred
- Promoting diversity management and inclusion at the workplace, both in the public and private sector
- Fighting discrimination against LGBTIQ people and promoting LGBTIQ equality through the implementation of the LGBTIQ Equality Strategy
- Call for public authorities to improve their responses to (intersectional) discrimination, racism, antisemitism, anti-Muslim hatred and xenophobia, LGBTIQ-phobia and all other forms of intolerance.
The deadline for applications is the 20th of June 2023.
For more information, please visit the Commission’s website.
To learn more about current calls for proposals or Eurodiaconia’s funding events, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our our Projects and EU Funding Officer Giorgia Signoretto at