The European Commission launched a new call for proposals under the Erasmus+ programme titled “#BeActive Awards (ERASMUS-SPORT-2023-BE-ACTIVE-AWARDS)”.
This award aims to demonstrate how education can encourage kids to be active outside the typical sport/physical activity taking place in their normal school day. This may include additional activities, scheduling days outside of class that focus on sport, afterschool activities and other creative solutions that build an active education environment. The #BeActive Awards 2023 aim to reward and give visibility to projects and initiatives that have successfully promoted sport and physical activity across Europe. It contributes to the HealthyLifeStyle4All initiative and to the promotion of substainable and green sport. Depending on the prize, projects can focus on educational establishments and workplaces, as well as individuals in local communities. They can also support and promote ties across generations through the practice of sport and physical activity. Besides rewarding specific organisations, the award of prizes will also give visibility and support the dissemination of innovative ideas, initiatives and best practices throughout Europe.
The deadline for applications is the 25th of May 2023. For more information, please visit the Commission’s website.
To learn more about current calls for proposals or Eurodiaconia’s funding events, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our our Projects and EU Funding Officer Giorgia Signoretto at