Funding Network Meeting 2024

14 November 2024, Brussels, Belgium

(Member-only event with invited guest speakers)

The 2024 Funding Network Meeting will take place in Brussels, in the office on the 14th of November.


Eurodiaconia is organising the funding network meeting for its members to exchange best practices in fundraising and accessing European funding for social innovation as well as to explore ways to cooperate on more transnational initiatives as members of the network. With the upcoming processes related to the next Multiannual Financial Framework, it is likewise opportune for members to discuss their priorities for funding social inclusion, poverty alleviation, community-building and essential services in Europe.



  1. To deepen the understanding on EU funding programmes, especially the AMIF and ESF+
  2. To facilitate mutual learning in fundraising and accessing grant opportunities for social innovation and social services
  3. To foster collaboration among members in responding to EU calls for proposals 


For information regarding the venue, the hotel, and helpful information about Brussels, see ‘Practical Info.’ A full agenda can be found by clicking ‘Agenda’. Finally, for reference readings and a selection of the presentations (available after the event), please click the ‘Materials’ button.

Please read the agenda for more information.