Connecting faith and social justice through action

About Eurodiaconia

Eurodiaconia is a European network of churches and Christian NGOs providing social and healthcare services and advocating social justice. Together our membership represents the needs and unique experiences of 61 national and regional organisations across Europe. Diakonia is Greek for service and in the biblical sense, this means service for and with people in need.

All 12 members of Eurodiaconia staff posing for the picture

A Brief History

Diaconal work, Christian faith-motivated work for social justice and provision of social care, has a very long history and has traditionally emanated from the Church. However, recent years have seen the emergence of independent or church-related NGOs working in the same tradition.

In 1995, several such diaconal organisations in Europe agreed to form a network that would concern itself with the issues and policies of the European Union and its impact on the work of diaconal organisations.

Eurodiaconia was duly formed and registered as an NGO in Strasbourg, France, in 1997. In 2008, the legal entity was transferred and registered in Belgium as an Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif (e.g not-for-profit international association).


Eurodiaconia is a network of 61 churches and Christian organizations that provide social and health care services and advocate for social justice. Together we work for just and transformative social change across Europe, leaving no-one behind.

Three women having our back turned on us standing while the one in the middle is being helped to walk.


Driven by our Christian faith, our vision is of a Europe where each person is valued for their inherent God-given worth and dignity and where our societies guarantee social justice for all people, including the most vulnerable and marginalized.

Strengthen Diaconal Social Services

Strengthen diaconal service provision so as many people as possible have access to affordable, high quality and accessible social and healthcare services.

Social Justice

Fight for social justice by addressing the root causes of inequalities, poverty and exclusion.

Network Identity

Building a strong network with a clear identity.

A group picture of participants and Eurodiaconia staff on the 2024 AGM in Bucharest

Governance and Staff Members

Eurodiaconia’s strategy and work plan are monitored by the Supervisory Board consisting of seven members who are elected for 4 years. The work of Eurodiaconia is carried out in cooperation with members through topical networks and coordinated by the Eurodiaconia’s secretariat in Brussels.