The existing Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) — the EU’s long-term budget — will come to an end in 2020. The European Commission has started to work on the future proposals for the post-2020 MFF and for the next generation of financial programmes. In this perspective, the European Commission has launched several public consultations covering all the key spending areas, e.g. in the ranges of migration, cohesion and mobility to gather opinions from all interested parties on how to make the most of the given EU budget.
Why is this relevant for Eurodiaconia members?
Eurodiaconia members who have benefitted from European Union funding, for instance through the ESF, AMIF or the FEAD, are invited to share their experience on how to improve the future financial framework. Eurodiaconia members who have not used EU funding but would like to do so in the future, are also concerned by this consultation as now is the opportunity to share their views on where the priorities for EU funds should be and how can they be designed to best deliver results on the ground.
The consultations will remain open until 8th March 2018. Please fill in the questionnaire (30 minutes) that is available in 23 languages and get engaged in shaping the future of EU funding. If you do respond directly, please get in touch with the Eurodiaconia secretariat to share your experience and ideas. Eurodiaconia secretariat will also respond to the consultation and needs your input to do so.
If you have further questions, please contact our Policy, Projects and Research Officer Florian Tuder at
Among these public consultations, we would like to attract your attention to three particularly relevant ones:
Public consultation on EU funds in the areas of migration
Public Consultation on EU funds in the area of Cohesion (relevant for Eurodiaconia members working on FEAD and ESF)
Public consultation on EU funds in the area of values and mobility