The European Commission has launched a new call for proposals to support existing or new partnerships in testing innovative approaches supporting in particular the delivery of Principle 14 of the European Pillar of Social Rights on minimum income (of note, minimum income cash benefits are not to be co-funded). This multi-stakeholder innovative approach integrates three strands:
- the provision of adequate minimum income benefits
- activation services supporting the access to employment
- effective access to enabling goods and service
The aim is to establish and enhance cooperation among various organisations (authorities and non-governmental organisations) which:
- providing cash benefits
- delivering personalised social services and other general services
- providing labour market activation measures and to test its implementation
The proposals should focus on the following set of activities, while allowing for flexibility in the design.
- Setting up the necessary structures and capacity building
- Reaching out to the persons/households in need
- Evaluation of the impact of the project activities
- Mainstreaming/dissemination and up-scaling
- Transnational cooperation
- Management of the project
The deadline for applications is the 15th of October 2020.
For more information, please visit the Commission’s website.