The European Commission has launched a new Call for Proposals aimed at supporting networks and umbrella organisations at various levels (European, national, inter-regional, regional, local) active in the field of social economy with the ultimate goal of creating an ecosystem of social economy actors who will further the vision of Social Europe.
The specific objectives to be achieved are enhancing interaction and improving collaboration between existing social economy networks, boosting inter-regional learning between public and private social economy stakeholders and contributing to a gradual building of a Social Economy community.
The proposals should address one specific topic either from a list suggested by the Commission or suggested by the applicant provided that the rational for the suggestion is clearly explained in the application. Possible topics include: Building resilient regional and/or local ecosystems, Support to social economy business development, Local or regional measures tackling unemployment, Education and training to develop the social economy ecosystem, Social economy initiatives to integrate migrants etc.
For more information about the Call, please visit the Commission’s website.