The European Commission has launched a call for proposals within its Internal Security Fund, for ‘Organised crime – projects addressing trafficking in human beings.’ The Call therefore seeks to increase progress in the fight against the trafficking of human beings, and is part of the Internal Security Fund – Police. The Internal Security Fund – Police (ISFP) is a component of the Internal Security Fund. It contributes to ensuring a high level of security in the EU and focuses on the fight against organized and cross-border crime, reinforcing cooperation between EU national law enforcement authorities and international organisations, and to enhance the EU capacity to effectively manage security-related risk and crisis.
Project applications submitted under the Call for proposals must address at least one of the following priorities:
- Profile/modus operandi of traffickers/organized crime groups and their prosecution and conviction, as well as focus on the links between trafficking in human beings and other forms of serious and organized crime
- Actions focusing on the wider trafficking chain, including the profits involved in trafficking in human being
Further information on the specific activities and actions foreseen within each priority area can be found in the call document.
All proposals for each of the priorities under this call must be transnational. Creating appropriate links with country of origins of victims is not excluded. In this context: Entities from non-ISF-P-participating countries* cannot be beneficiaries and their costs are not eligible under this call for proposals. However, it is possible to submit projects that target or include participants from non-ISF-P-participating countries. Proposals must take a victim-centered approach, and be gender-specific as relevant. Projects should target, but not be limited to, trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation. They should also respect all child safeguarding policies where applicable.
Applications are welcomed from public bodies or non-profit-making private entities. Eligible consortiums must be transnational, i.e. involving at least two entities established in two different EU Member States participating in the ISF Police AWP 2017 instrument. (*All EU Member States, with the exception of United Kingdom and Denmark, are participating in the ISF Police instrument.)
The deadline for submitting proposals is the 31st January 2018.
Further information can be found on the website for the call, and in the complete call document.