Connecting faith and social justice through action

HELPDESK workshop facilitator and expert on EU social funds required

Eurodiaconia is looking for a consultant with the required expertise to develop templates, guidance and to lead three workshops related to the HELPDESK project.

Eurodiaconia is looking for a consultant with the required expertise to develop templates, guidance and to lead three workshops related to the HELPDESK project.

Helpdesk is a project funded by the European Commission and implemented by 16 organisations/networks, among them Eurodiaconia. Its aim is to make EU Funds (in particular ESF+ and ERDF) more accessible for social services, and thereby contribute to tackling social challenges across Europe. Helpdesk website:

  1. Background information

Three workshops will be organised to feed into the development of templates and guidance and are foreseen to take place online between June and October 2023, as half-day events. Attendees to the workshops will include practitioners from Managing Authorities (operational staff, coordinators, programme managers, officers) and managers and practitioners from Social Services in public authorities and providers (project management including project monitoring, communications and reporting), willing to gain further knowledge and exchange experience on these topics.

  1. Purpose of this call

The three foreseen workshops (with some flexibility possible depending on the findings and results of each workshop) will cover these three topics: 1) Project Application Form and Call for Proposals; 2) Project Budget (usage of SCOs); 3) Project Reporting.

Workshop 1 – Needs in these three topics: This discussion will be the basis for developing the draft templates and guidance.

Workshop 2 – Feedback on draft templates: Following this the templates and guidance can be finalised.

Workshop 3 – Finalisation of templates and guidance with approval.

You can find more details here. For more information, please contact our Projects and EU Funding Officer

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