Connecting faith and social justice through action


Eurodiaconia envisions a welcoming Europe rooted in solidarity, equal opportunities and human dignity. With a focus on migration from a social inclusion perspective, we advocate for the protection of fundamental rights and that no one is left behind, regardless of their country of origin, ethnic background or status. Our approach emphasizes social integration and inclusion as a collaborative process, involving newcomers and local communities to foster diversity and social cohesion as key pillars of inclusive societies. In line with this vision, Eurodiaconia advocates for humane and right-based policies to address European skills and labor shortages. We underscore the relevance of accessing sustainable and decent employment as a key step for social inclusion, with particular attention to those who experience intersectional obstacles, such as migrant and refugee women. 

Eurodiaconia Migration Network brings long-term expertise in all the aspects of the reception, integration and inclusion of migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers — from immediate emergency aid to long-term inclusion, including access to social services, education, housing, healthcare and employment. Our members provide comprehensive support to third country nationals, including those facing complex barriers (e.g. women in vulnerable situations, unaccompanied minors, victims of human trafficking, or people with disabilities). 

If you have information to share with the Network such as an event announcement or a publication or if you wish to receive further information on this topic, please contact our Policy and Membership Development Officer Andrea Sánchez Caballero at .

Diakonia Polska welcomes Eurodiaconia
Diakonia Kościoła Ewangelicko-Augsburskiego w RP (Diakonia Polska), welcomed Eurodiaconia for an insightful two-days study visit on the 11th and 12th of April 2024.
International Women’s Day at Eurodiaconia
Eurodiaconia is calling to focus policy work on women facing intersectional inequalities, specifically migrant women
Diaconia Valdese: University Corridors for Refugee Students in Italy
The UNICORE project aims to promote complementary pathways of admission and to secure student visas and scholarships within EU.
World Refugee Day: Upholding the Fundamental Right to Asylum
Seeking asylum is a fundamental human right. Eurodiaconia urges EU Member States to ensure equal protection for all asylum seekers and refugees.
The Temporary Protection Directive One Year On
The Temporary Protection Directive allowed millions of refugees from Ukraine immediate and collective access to protection.
Freedom Focus: Finding Freedom Through Healing
Reverend Esther van Schie has been running the Organisation of Faith Integration, and along with her colleges she has developed a group course on trauma.
Equal protection for all seeking safety in the EU: Eurodiaconia’s statement on International Migrants Day
Eurodiaconia calls for equal protection of all refugees and asylum seekers, in both policy and practice, by the EU institutions and by Member States.
Reception and Integration of Refugees from Ukraine: The Voice of Social Service Providers
Eurodiaconia released our report today on the reception and integration of refugees from Ukraine highlighting the perspective of non-profit social service providers.
Eurodiaconia participates in 7th Annual Migration Forum
7th Annual Migration Forum in Brussels had a theme on youth inclusion. Several migrant youth organisations attended.