Connecting faith and social justice through action

Roma Inclusion

Roma represent Europe’s largest ethnic minority, with an estimated 10 to 12 million individuals living across the continent. Despite their historical presence, Roma communities continue to face systemic discrimination, social exclusion, segregation, and intergenerational poverty. Deeply rooted Anti-Roma racism or Anti-Gypsyism, remains a significant barrier to inclusion, perpetuating segregation and inequality despite EU-level efforts. 

Eurodiaconia promotes the empowerment of Roma communities and individuals by advocating for access to inclusive education, employment, housing, and healthcare, with particular attention to vulnerable groups, such as children, women and EU mobile citizens. Since 2009, the Eurodiaconia Roma Inclusion Network has fostered collaboration among members to share best practices and advocate for Roma inclusion at EU level. Our members provide vital services where national and local governmental actions fall short. By addressing both immediate needs and systemic challenges, we contribute to sustainable change, tackling anti-gypsyism and fostering social inclusion. 

If you have information to share with the Network such as an event announcement or a publication or if you wish to receive more information on this topic, please contact our Policy and Membership Development Officer Andrea Sánchez Caballero.

Member States’ national plans under the Roma Strategic Framework
Eurodiaconia welcomes the commitment of Member States to further develop integrated policy measures and dedicate funding towards the full equality, inclusion, and participation of Roma throughout Europe.
Report: Addressing Barriers for Roma to Access Employment
the new Roma framework focuses on the root issues, including systemic anti-gypsyism, lack of long-term funding, and holistic support to Roma along the life cycle to overcome the cycle of poverty
Eurodiaconia attends 15th European Platform for Roma Inclusion
Standing up for the rights of Europe’s largest Roma minority webinar
ARTICLE: Combatting Intersectional Discrimination Faced by Roma Women
Throughout Romani Week, Eurodiaconia pushes the European Union and its member states to put the fight against anti-gypsyism at the forefront of efforts to include Romani people
Report out Now ! Eurodiaconia’s assessment of the National Roma Strategic Frameworks
New Policy Paper on Destitute EU Mobile Citizens
Our new policy paper includes relevant information about the situation of EU mobile citizens throughout the pandemic.