Weekly Editorial from our Secretary General: Optimism and the power of hope
This week I had the honour to address a colloquium being held in the Belgian Senate on being a “Relgioptimist”.…
Eurodiaconia is active in multiple policy areas related to the fight against poverty and social exclusion in Europe and to the promotion of social and health care services to foster social cohesion. In this section, you will find our main news.
We also collect the news of our members that are relevant to be shared at a European level.
Furthermore, you will find key information related to EU social policy developments broadcast by our partners and European media.
This week I had the honour to address a colloquium being held in the Belgian Senate on being a “Relgioptimist”.…
The European Commission Internal Security Fund Police has published a call for proposals to support projects of Civil Society Organisations.…
The latest edition of the European Semester Quarterly in 2017 (7th issue) comes out amid the busy Autumn period. During this…
Later this month, the Evangelische Akademie Baden (Baden Protestant Academy), in cooperation with Caritas und Diakonie Baden-Württemberg and other partners,…
Diakonie Michaelshoven, our member in Cologne, is awarded a donation of 2,052 EUR from KVB, the Cologne Transport Authority (Kölner verkehrs-betriebe). …
The European Commission has just announced the launch of an award for social innovation addressing the mobility of older people.…
Our member in Serbia, Ekumenska Humanitarna Organizacija (the Ecumenical Humanitarian Organisation, or EHO) recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding with…
The European Commission has published a Communication describing the progress made on the delivery of the 2015 European Agenda on…
A few weeks ago, the Commission published this year’s Employment and Social Developments Report. This report analyses current and upcoming…
The Salvation Army EU Affairs Office, a member of Eurodiaconia active across the continent, has recently published a report on their…
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