Weekly editorial from our Secretary General: Focusing on the Common Good
This week the European Commission released its long-awaited paper on how the Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030 can serve…
Eurodiaconia is active in multiple policy areas related to the fight against poverty and social exclusion in Europe and to the promotion of social and health care services to foster social cohesion. In this section, you will find our main news.
We also collect the news of our members that are relevant to be shared at a European level.
Furthermore, you will find key information related to EU social policy developments broadcast by our partners and European media.
This week the European Commission released its long-awaited paper on how the Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030 can serve…
Yesterday, two new calls for project proposals under the Justice Programme (JUST) were opened for applications. The programme is aimed…
Yesterday, five new calls for project proposals under the Rights, Equalities and Citizenship Programme (REC) were opened for applications. The…
We are pleased to invite you to its first webinar on the integration of migrant women. Female migrants constitute a…
On the occasion of the launch of our latest mapping “User involvement as pathway to social inclusion”, we interviewed Vincent Morival,…
Recently, the European Parliament has adopted three proposals in the framework of the post-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework. The proposals are…
Early today, Eurodiaconia released a collection of its members’ projects titled “User involvement as pathway to social inclusion”. The publication…
Recently, our Swedish member Stockholm City Mission has been awarded for its social enterprise “Remake”. Our member won the “Sustainability…
Early today, Eurodiaconia released its Report on the state of implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights titled “Eurodiaconia…
Earlier today, Eurodiaconia published its assessment of the 2019 recommendations on the economic policy of the Euro area, a key…
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