Connecting faith and social justice through action

Our Work


Eurodiaconia advocates for empowerment and social justice by linking members’ experiences with EU policies, working to represent the voice of social and health care service providers, for a people-centered approach to policy-making and economic governance.

To know more about Eurodiaconia’s advocacy work, please contact our Deputy Secretary General Clotilde Clark-Foulquier.

Briefing for Members: Council Recommendation on Adequate Minimum Income
Minimum income schemes, the current state in EU member states, and the key points of the Council Recommendations.
Diaconia Valdese: University Corridors for Refugee Students in Italy
The UNICORE project aims to promote complementary pathways of admission and to secure student visas and scholarships within EU.
World Refugee Day: Upholding the Fundamental Right to Asylum
Seeking asylum is a fundamental human right. Eurodiaconia urges EU Member States to ensure equal protection for all asylum seekers and refugees.
Empowering Young Minds: Diakonie Austria’s Holistic Initiatives for Mental Health Inclusion
Roma Inclusion Network Meeting 2023
Eurodiaconia team provided an EU policy update on the current state of play of the National Roma Strategic Frameworks, as well as the latest developments concerning the EU Anti-Racism Action Plan 2020-2025
Discussion Roundtable: Food aid & cost of living crisis in Europe
The number of persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion remains stable in the aftermath of the Covid-19 crisis
Sweden’s Inflation Crisis Causes Surge in Food Insecurity and Strains Social Services
Finding happiness and purpose through the VAMOS programme