Connecting faith and social justice through action


Eurodiaconia envisions a welcoming Europe rooted in solidarity, equal opportunities and human dignity. With a focus on migration from a social inclusion perspective, we advocate for the protection of fundamental rights and that no one is left behind, regardless of their country of origin, ethnic background or status. Our approach emphasizes social integration and inclusion as a collaborative process, involving newcomers and local communities to foster diversity and social cohesion as key pillars of inclusive societies. In line with this vision, Eurodiaconia advocates for humane and right-based policies to address European skills and labor shortages. We underscore the relevance of accessing sustainable and decent employment as a key step for social inclusion, with particular attention to those who experience intersectional obstacles, such as migrant and refugee women. 

Eurodiaconia Migration Network brings long-term expertise in all the aspects of the reception, integration and inclusion of migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers — from immediate emergency aid to long-term inclusion, including access to social services, education, housing, healthcare and employment. Our members provide comprehensive support to third country nationals, including those facing complex barriers (e.g. women in vulnerable situations, unaccompanied minors, victims of human trafficking, or people with disabilities). 

If you have information to share with the Network such as an event announcement or a publication or if you wish to receive further information on this topic, please contact our Policy and Membership Development Officer Andrea Sánchez Caballero at .

Eurodiaconia’s Migration Network Meeting
This year our Migration Network Meeting, an annual gathering of Eurodiaconia's members working on integration of migrants and refugees, was held in Madrid.
Trafficking is a crime that is a grave violation of human rights and a violent practice of organised crime that deprives vulnerable groups of their human dignity.
Diaconia España launches campaign to promote the rental of housing to migrant families
On the 28th of June, Diakonia España launched an awareness campaign that encourages the rental of housing to migrant individuals and families.
Ukraine: the European Parliament approved the EU aid package to help member states welcome refugees
The European Parliament approved a reinforcement of EU migration programmes to help member states deal with urgent migration.
EPIM: Call for Proposal “Transforming Narratives and Perceptions About Migrants in Europe”
The European Programme for Integration and Migration is a collaborative funding initiative of currently twenty-five grant-making foundations.
New Policy Paper on Destitute EU Mobile Citizens
Our new policy paper includes relevant information about the situation of EU mobile citizens throughout the pandemic.
POSITION PAPERS: Eurodiaconia on the New Pact on Migration and Asylum
In partnership with eight Churches and Christian organisations working on migration, Eurodiaconia has recently published joint position papers on the New Pact on Migration and Asylum.