Connecting faith and social justice through action

Social Inclusion

Eurodiaconia’s members foster the social inclusion of vulnerable groups through their daily work. Together with our members, we’re aiming to create a Europe where everyone can thrive and live in dignity. Central to our advocacy efforts are social protection measures such as adequate minimum income schemes and access to the labour market for vulnerable groups as well as the promotion of active participation, particularly for disadvantaged groups or voices often overheard, such as young people. By addressing systematic barriers and advocating for inclusive policies, we seek to ensure that no one is left behind and promote social justice.

To know more about Eurodiaconia’s work, please contact our Policy and Membership Development Officer Annika Sparrer.

Report: Mental Health Inclusion
Eurodiaconia's 2023 Mental Health Inclusion Report provides a comprehensive overview of mental health issues in Europe, highlighting the urgent need for increased awareness and improved access to services.
Report: Homelessness Prevention in Europe
A comprehensive analysis of homelessness prevention policies across ten European countries, based on the feedback and work of Eurodiaconia's Homelessness Experts Group and its members.
European Commission’s Recommendations to tackle energy poverty across EU
The European Commission, has published a Recommendation (C/2023/4080) aimed at addressing energy poverty and launched the renewed Joint Declaration on enhanced consumer protection for the winter.
International Day Against Poverty 2023
Poverty is not a solitary issue; rather, it is an intricate web of circumstances and structural factors that require comprehensive solutions
From Data to Deliberations: Europe’s Cost-of-Living Crisis in Focus
To further amplify non-profit organisation efforts, a streamlined approach to accessing EU funds is vital.
Publication: Food Aid & Cost Of Living Crisis Across Europe
Publication provides updated observations and recommendations to EU Institutions for the 2023 mid-term review of the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 and for any upcoming work aiming at alleviating food poverty
UN Special Rapporteur’s new Report: Job guarantee as a tool in the fight against poverty
Briefing for Members: Council Recommendation on Adequate Minimum Income
Minimum income schemes, the current state in EU member states, and the key points of the Council Recommendations.
Empowering Young Minds: Diakonie Austria’s Holistic Initiatives for Mental Health Inclusion