Connecting faith and social justice through action

Social Inclusion

Eurodiaconia’s members foster the social inclusion of vulnerable groups through their daily work. Together with our members, we’re aiming to create a Europe where everyone can thrive and live in dignity. Central to our advocacy efforts are social protection measures such as adequate minimum income schemes and access to the labour market for vulnerable groups as well as the promotion of active participation, particularly for disadvantaged groups or voices often overheard, such as young people. By addressing systematic barriers and advocating for inclusive policies, we seek to ensure that no one is left behind and promote social justice.

To know more about Eurodiaconia’s work, please contact our Policy and Membership Development Officer Annika Sparrer.

Eurodiaconia Calls on All Members States to Urgently Submit their Child Guarantee National Action Plans
New Study on Homelessness from Diakonie Deutschland
A Manifesto for a Green, Just and Democratic European Economy
Ministerial Meeting on Combatting Homelessness: All Member States and Stakeholders Commit to More Effectively Fighting Against Homelessness
Diakonia Deutschland Releases a Joint Position Paper on EU State Aid Law
Eurodiaconia joined Helsinki Deaconess Institute to receive the French Housing Minister
A briefing “Right to Affordable Clean Energy” by EAPN is available now!
An Opportunity for Direct Advocacy in Upskilling Pathways Consultation
New Policy Paper on Destitute EU Mobile Citizens
Our new policy paper includes relevant information about the situation of EU mobile citizens throughout the pandemic.