Connecting faith and social justice through action

Social Services & Healthcare

Eurodiaconia members strive to provide quality services and we have been actively engaged in the EU debate on social services since 2005. Eurodiaconia has a focus on the provision of quality services and works to ensure that not-for-profit social and health care providers operate in a favourable ecosytem, where their importance is recognised. We monitor the impact of EU legislation and how it is implemented on the provision of social services in Europe, in particular the impact of EU State Aid and Public Procurement rules, which regulate how contracting authorities can finance social services.  Eurodiaconia will continue to work to encourage cooperation between our members, exchanging best practice and experience to improve the provision and delivery of social and health care services across Europe.

To learn more about social services and elderly care work in Eurodiaconia, please contact our  Senior Policy and Membership Development Officer Kewan Mildred at .

Position paper: Reserved contracts in public procurement
Eurodiaconia has launched a comprehensive position paper, shedding light on the instrumental role of reserved contracts in public procurement in fostering social and professional integration across Europe.
European Social Dialogue Committee for Social Services
Empowering Young Minds: Diakonie Austria’s Holistic Initiatives for Mental Health Inclusion
European Social Network and Eurodiaconia: Joint Proposals on the Future of Social Services
New Report: Alternative Models of Financing Social Services
Eurodiaconia’s Initial Assessment of Recovery and Resilience Plans
The energy crisis and its effect on long-term care
The challenges ahead: making care work a job of aspiration 
Eurodiaconia urgently calls on Member States to adopt an ambitious European Care Strategy