In line with the aim of linking its members to serve for solidarity and justice, Eurodiaconia intends to bridge the gap between the concrete reality of its members’ experience in the area of poverty and social exclusion and EU policies.

Eurodiaconia welcomes the new Commission’s proposals to develop a child guarantee as part of the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights and will take an active role along with its members to further promote its implementation at national and local level. We work in close collaboration with the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) and many others. Furthermore, Eurodiaconia works on specific issues such as financial inclusion and over-indebtedness, homelessness, child and family poverty, and other issues of interest to its members.

To know more about Eurodiaconia’s work on extreme poverty, please contact our Policy and Membership Development OfficerStefan Kitzmann at