As a network of diaconal social service providers, Eurodiaconia and its members have been witnessing the rise of in-work poverty, which represents 10% of all workers in the EU. This resulted in an increased demand for social services.  Moreover, though the unemployment rate in the EU has fallen in recent years, unemployment rates vary widely across EU countries and across regions. Hence, ensuring sustainable access to quality jobs for all people is necessary to match employment and social inclusion.

Eurodiaconia will continue its advocacy work in the area of Access to Employment for all people at European level, enabling a framework for the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights and the negotiations around the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+), together with its members and partner organisations. Our network will continue exchanging and promoting best practices, for example during its annual Network Meeting on Access to Employment.

If you have any questions, please contact our Policy and Membership Development Officer Magdalena Bordagorry at