As interdisciplinary, academic discipline “diaconal sciences” is becoming increasingly important not only at universities in Europe but around the world looking at the Christian churches’ approach to social action, social justice and how faith shapes social engagement. Eurodiaconia brings together researchers from around the world to discuss recent developments in Christian social practice especially through the “International Society for the Research and Study of Diaconia and Christian Social Practice” (ReDi). We host the society’s secretariat and provide its administrator. Every two years an international research conference is organised together with different partners and many of our members use this platform for exchange and mutual learning. We also closely cooperate in the publication of the academic journal “Diaconia. Journal for the Study of Christian Social Practice”, which is available as open access journal. In addition, Eurodiaconia also commissions its own research papers written by external consultants or researchers.

To learn more about Eurodiaconia’s work on this topic, please contact our Policy, Projects and Research Officer Vera Nygard at