Banchory West Church, a congregation of the Church of Scotland, has raised more than £5,000 to donate to a local secondary school for the purchase of homeschooling equipment. The donation will be enough to cover the costs of 18 machines to help pupils without access to technology engage with online lessons from their homes.

Members of the congregation expressed concern over school closure from the very start of the lockdown and contacted the local school asking how they could be of help. The head teacher noted that many children were struggling to access online learning and a lack of equipment was the biggest barrier. Eager to help and acknowledging the benefits of technology in bringing people together during the confinement, members of the church gathered to take action. The sum was raised in 12 days and left high school staff “taken aback” by the generosity. They are quoted as having said that the donation will make a huge difference to kids who might struggle otherwise.

Minister, Rev Tony Stephen, said donations were still coming in and would be passed to the school in due course.


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