Later this month, the Evangelische Akademie Baden (Baden Protestant Academy), in cooperation with Caritas und Diakonie Baden-Württemberg and other partners, will host an international network meeting titled “Social Europe”
The meeting will take place from 25-27 October in Bühl, Germany, ahead of the 17th of November “Social Summit” in Gothenburg. During the Summit, the EU heads of state and government will focus on promoting fair jobs and growth, labour markets, effective and sustainable social protection systems, and the promotion of social dialogue at all levels.
The Conference in Bühl will bring together representatives of European civil society, trade unions and church-related organisations working on labour policies, social protection and eradication of poverty. The Conference will map out the challenges and opportunities, and prepare a contribution to the debate on the future of the European integration process.
You can find out more information about the “Social Europe” conference on the meeting programme.