Connecting faith and social justice through action

Data Protection Policy

Collecting personal data

Eurodiaconia only collects personal data that users spontaneously provide or are provided by third parties in the context of a service requested by them.

Processing personal data

Eurodiaconia only collects the personal data needed to carry out a specific service requested by the users (or by third parties).
Eurodiaconia processes the data it is given only:

  • If users have explicitly given their permission to do so;
  • If it is necessary to process the data in order to provide a service requested by the users
  • If it is legally obliged to process the data (E.g. EC funding projects);
  • If it is necessary for a legitimate purpose or in the public interest or (E.g. European Parliament entrance permission).

Treating personal data

Sensitive personal data (E.g. bank account numbers, ID or passports numbers) are always treated as confidential and never made public.

Personal data are only used for the service requested by the users ( E.g. newsletter)

Eurodiaconia doesn’t pass on users ‘contact details to third parties for commercial purposes.

Keeping personal data

Eurodiaconia will only keep users data for the time needed to provide Eurodiaconia services (E.g. meetings organisation and follow-up, EC projects…)