The Caritas CARES poverty reports focus on inclusive labour markets in Europe. They attempt to identify concrete challenges the most vulnerable members of our society face regarding employment and how national and EU policies are addressing those challenges.
These reports inform local, regional, national and European authorities and formulate recommendations, based on Caritas’ daily work with people experiencing poverty. The Caritas CARES poverty reports were compiled on the basis of a questionnaire, designed in consultation with the participating member organisations. They ensure that the voices of vulnerable members of our society are heard and will support the advocacy efforts of Caritas at national and at European level.
Eurodiaconia recently launched its new policy paper “Access to quality employment for people in vulnerable situations: Overcoming barriers and discrimination through a rights-based and person-centred approach”. The paper presents key recommendations to promote access to employment for all people as a pathway to social inclusion and full participation in society. It reiterates how quality social services is the key between quality jobs and social inclusion efforts. Based on our members input, we emphasise the importance of active outreach; inclusive & flexible skilling; publicly funded employment & social labour markets; strong anti-discrimination measures; as well as the importance of a holistic, rights-based, person-centred approach.
Please check out our new policy paper on “Access to quality employment for people in vulnerable situations” here and access the executive summary here.
The Caritas CARES poverty reports can be downloaded here.