The European Network for Social Policy Analysis, ESPAnet has open a call for papers on Adequate Minimum Income Schemes, in the occasion of its conference “Models of Welfare, Models of Capitalism”, which will take place in Macerata (Italy) from 22-24 September 2016.
A broad strand of literature focuses on Adequate Minimum Income Schemes that have been introduced in many countries in the last two decades. In these works, the analytical focus has mostly been on policy developments and governance issues either at national level or in comparative perspective.
The political dimension of minimum income schemes has been, however, much less explored.The 13th session of this conference welcomes papers which analyse – theoretically or empirically – the political economy of non-contributory (generally, means-tested) minimum income schemes.
To submit a paper proposal (a 500-800 word abstract), you may fill the form available here (EN)
Find the more information and the call for papers here (IT – EN)