Diaconal Identity
Eurodiaconia supports members in retaining their diaconal identity in an every changing context.
Rooted in the New Testament, diaconia has evolved within various Christian traditions to include organized efforts by churches and faith-based organizations to provide assistance and advocate for social justice. Today, diaconal work encompasses everything from emergency relief and healthcare to social services and community development, aiming to embody compassion and solidarity as central values of faith in action.
In Europe, diaconia plays a crucial role in social welfare, with many Christian organizations and churches actively involved in providing support and advocacy for vulnerable populations. European diaconal organizations focus on services like elder care, refugee assistance, poverty alleviation, healthcare, and community integration. With a long tradition rooted in Christian social teachings, these organizations work closely with both governmental and non-governmental bodies to address pressing social issues. Diaconia in Europe today blends traditional care values with modern social advocacy, striving to promote human dignity, social justice, and solidarity across increasingly diverse societies.
Eurodiaconia supports members in retaining their diaconal identity in an every changing context. Pressures on funding, sustainability of services and having a much more diverse staff profile means that the diaconal identity of 100 years ago is not neccessarily the idenity today. Through seminars and workshops at our Annual General Meeting or thorughout the year we work with members to share what is diaconal identity today and how we ensure that is the driving force of our organisations.
Additionally we support academic and theological research in diacona. As an interdisciplinary, academic discipline “diaconal sciences” is becoming increasingly important not only at universities in Europe but around the world looking at the Christian churches’ approach to social action, social justice and how faith shapes social engagement. Eurodiaconia supports the bringing together of researchers from around the world to discuss recent developments in Christian social practice especially through the “International Society for the Research and Study of Diaconia and Christian Social Practice” (ReDi). We host the society’s secretariat and provide its administrator. Every two years an international research conference is organised together with different partners and many of our members use this platform for exchange and mutual learning. We also closely cooperate in the publication of the academic journal “Diaconia. Journal for the Study of Christian Social Practice”, which is available as open access journal. In addition, Eurodiaconia also commissions its own research papers written by external consultants or researchers.
- ReDi website Diaconia Research – ReDi
- Diaconia Journal Diaconia | List of Issues