Connecting faith and social justice through action

Diaconia España launches campaign to promote the rental of housing to migrant families

On the 28th of June, Diakonia España launched an awareness campaign that encourages the rental of housing to migrant individuals and families.

On the 28th of June, Diakonia España launched an awareness campaign that encourages the rental of housing to migrant individuals and families. The main objective of the initiative is to raise awareness among the population of the different options to rent or share a home with migrants, in a safe, responsible and supportive way.

Elena López, the coordinator of Inclusive Neighborhood, underlines the importance of this program “due to the abusive conditions to access the rental of a home and the prejudices that exist about migrants, they make it really difficult to solve this basic need and are at constant risk of social exclusion.” It is also an opportunity to enhance intergenerational coexistence relationships for people who are in a situation of unwanted loneliness, and who wish to have a new company and support.

According to data from the UN Refugee Agency, more than 82 million people are forcibly displaced from their countries, due to persecution, conflict, violence, human rights violations or events that seriously disturbed public order in their homes. Many of these people decide to move with the intention of starting a life in better conditions and rights.

Check out the campaign here.

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