f35ffbf480204463a99545301507d34fThe Federation of the Evangelical Churches in Italy-FCEI launched a fundraising appeal to support the thousands of displaced people hit hard by yesterday’s massive earthquake. Donations will be used to meet the most basic needs of the population, as well as for future reconstruction projects.

According to the Italian authorities, at least 247 people are now known to have died in the quake, many people remain missing, and more than 400 injured. As is usual in the case of natural disaster, the most immediate effect has been population displacement. It has been estimated that at least 2.500 people lost their houses and are currently hosted in camps and other public buildings.

To make your donation please use the details down below:

Reason for payment: “Terremoto Centro Italia” (Earthquake in central Italy)

Bank: Unicredit

IBAN: IT26X0200805203000104203419


Find out more about the fundraising appeal here (IT).