Our partner Social Services Europe (SSE) report on “Recruitment and Retention in Social Services – Unlocking the sector’s job creation potential”, launched last November, is now available in French, Spanish, German, Bulgarian and Romanian. The European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD) has financed the translation.
The report “Recruitment & Retention in Social Services” was released by Social Services Europe last November. It was commissioned to present the case for increasing investment in the social services sector so that new jobs can be created to meet the growing demand for social services. According to the report, social services require investment, a supportive legislative framework, active social dialogue and recognition of its value to the economy and society, in order to turn the challenge of recruitment and retention into an opportunity to meet changing social needs.
To this aim, Social Services Europe accompanied the publication of the report with concrete recommendations on measures to meet the needs of recruitment and retention in the social services sector.
The report also contains the views and practical examples based on the daily work in social services of our members Fédération de l’Entraide Protestante (France) and Slezska Diakonie (Czech Republic), and of two Diakonie Germany members (Verband diakonischer Dienstgeber in Deutschland and Evangelisch-Lutherisches Diakoniewerk Neuendettelsau).
To know more about recruitment & retention in social services, please read the SSE report, available in the translated versions as well as in the original English version.
To know more about specific measures to meet the needs of recruitment and retention in the social services sector, please check SSE recommendations.