On 14-15 June 2021, the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council have met to adopt and discuss several landmark proposals, which will have to be followed by concrete measures, such as drawing up strategies and action plans, updating national policies, nominating specific thematic coordinators, collecting more disaggregated data, etc. in all the EU Member States.
On the first day of their meeting, the Council adopted
- the recommendation establishing the European Child Guarantee,
- council conclusions on telework,
- council conclusions on the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on gender equality,
- council conclusions on the Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Furthermore, they discussed
- the state of play of the directive on adequate minimum wages,
- the results of the Porto Social Summit and the relevant target setting and progress monitoring relating to the European Pillar of Social Rights at Member State level,
- the state of play of several legislative files, such as the pay transparency directive and the horizontal anti-discrimination directive.
Finally, the Council endorsed several assessments and conclusions, among others, on the 2021 Long Term Care Report and on the 2021 Pension Adequacy Report.
All the listed items on the agenda can be found here, on the relevant website of the Council.