European Social Fund Plus
Under the ESF+ shared management strand, the European Commission doesn’t provide direct funding to projects. It’s up to the Member States and regions to use the ESF+ funds. They have a lot of freedom in how they do this. With the Commission’s approval, a country can choose to have just one national ESF+ programme, set up regional programmes, or do both. ESF+ managing authorities then pick projects based on what fits with these national or regional plans. Eurodiaconia has compiled this list of national ESF+ managing authorities.
The EU works with National Agencies to bring the Erasmus+ programme as close as possible to the participants. The National Agencies are based in EU Member States and third countries associated to the Programme (previously called Programme Countries) and their role involves providing information on Erasmus+, selecting projects to be funded, monitoring and evaluating Erasmus+, supporting applicants and participants, working with other National Agencies and the EU, promoting Erasmus+, and sharing success stories and best practices.
The national Erasmus+ offices help the European Commission and national authorities implement Erasmus+ in certain third countries not associated to the Programme (previously called Partner Countries). These countries are located in the Western Balkans, the Eastern and Southern Neighbourhoods and Central Asia. NEO responsibilities include providing information on Erasmus+, assisting applicants and participants, supporting policy dialogue, and maintaining contact with local authorities and EU Delegations.
Eurodiaconia has compiled this list of national agencies and national Erasmus+ offices.
Eurodiaconia is a partner in the Helpdesk project, which aims to support social services in obtaining funding from the European Social Fund Plus and the European Regional Development Fund. The project has compiled a mapping of the distribution of ESF+ and ERDF funding in the member states, available in various languages. Moreover, the website includes a free online course on how to successfully fund your EU project (from the call for proposals to the final report, and beyond), as well as the option to submit questions on ESF+ and ERDF.
To learn more about current calls for proposals or Eurodiaconia’s funding events, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Membership and Capacity-building Officer, Glenis Balangue-Dalkiran