1 -4 April 2025, Paris, France
(Member-only event with invited guest speakers)
Members are invited to register for Eurodiaconia’s Annual General Meeting 2025 taking place in Paris. This year’s theme is a comprehensive exploration of Diaconia’s multiple values beyond just economic statistics, stressing the significance of diaconal work and services to not only the economy, but also to well-being, community involvement, and social inclusion.
The programme offers insight into the matter “Changing Societies, Changing Lives: The Impact of Diaconia in Europe” from different angles, discussing both theoretical and practical aspects of impact measuring . Workshops will cover specific topics such as how to successfully convey the impact of services, calculate the economic return on investment, and address the difficulties of non-economically measurable components.
The relevance of a person-centered approach will also be discussed, as will the spiritual dimension of Diaconia’s impact. The conversations will be focused on members’ experience and skills, but they will also include external speakers with expertise in impact measurement.
Please register early by clicking the button below
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